What to Watch: Leo Season

Every month, we’ll partner with an astrologer of colour to give you an all-purpose reading for the sign-in question, as well as a watchlist of shows and films that we think fit the spirit of the sign that you should check out.


July 23rd -August 22nd

The Lion

Fire Sign ruled by The Sun


Corine Salgado (She/They) better known as Coco La Bruja, is a Tarot Reader, Reiki Practitioner and also a Creative. She does in-person tarot readings and sells her Reiki Infused Tea Light Candles occasionally at Pop Up Shops around the beautiful city of Chicago. She also offers video chat and email Tarot Readings as well as Distant Reiki Sessions. Starting her services back in 2020, she had the idea in mind to help others through the practice of spirituality. Following their intuition and trusting the energy they receive from the cards, they offer guidance, advice & words of encouragement to help you move towards your highest path & face the challenges you meet head-on.
You can look at her services and book a reading with Coco La Bruja through their website, CocoLaBruja.com

Follow her Social Media: Instagram & TikTok @DudeitsCorine Twitter: @DudeitsCoco 


For the first week of Leo Season, I pulled the Moon card, this represents all the illusions that might arise during that time, this could be due to Venus Retrograding in the sign of Leo the very same day that the Sun also transitions in the sign of Leo. The collective may feel very melancholy as some might struggle with the idea of love and pleasure, which is the complete opposite of what Leo energy is all about! Leo’s are all about living their life to the fullest and love to love! The energy might induce some insecurity but again that is all an illusion that’s created by the mind. This week it’s important to ask yourself how can you not fall for these anguishing thoughts. I most definitely recommend repeating loving affirmations to yourself, in front of the mirror, and to others during this time. 

For the Second Week of Leo Season, I pulled the Knight of Swords, this week’s energy feels a bit more uplifting, action-oriented, and a bit chaotic; especially for my air signs, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. I sense the Collective facing certain fears that were brought up from last week’s energy. Some might go the extra mile to try some unconventional techniques to get to where they want to be. Don’t be afraid to walk down a different path from what others usually do in this situation. The energy here is to be rebellious, loyal and still come out as a fierce champion. Be open to healing, seeing, experiencing, and connecting to more with this week’s Super Full Moon Energy. 

For the Third Week of Leo Season, I pulled the King of Cups, I’m picking up that the Collective will regain a sense of devotion, loyalty, faithfulness, and wisdom through their emotions. Water Sign placements will feel this week’s energy the most as they might experience the need to be extra protective towards the things they love the most. Overall, I sense many will find the need to work through their heavy emotions and dive into deep dark waters of their subconsciousness when things get rough. You can only be brave when you are afraid. It’s important to love and be kind to yourself and others this week, know that the more you seek approval from others, the less you will get it. 

For the last week of Leo Season, I pulled the Queen of Wands. This week holds many pivotal moments where the Collective can take the time to look back on this past year and figure out what worked, what didn’t, and where to go next. The New Moon in Leo lands on August 16th, the same day as Leo Sun forms a trine Chiron in Aries which allows the collective the ability to give and receive healing. With the Queen of Wands energy, my Fire sign placements will be feeling this week’s energy the most. It brings forth optimism, independence, confidence, and passion.  This powerful energy is what you make of it, as you know how powerful and destructive your rage can be, the blessings that you bring to others are just as powerful. This week is all about finding the balance between nourishing your soul through creativity and the eruption one can cause through chaotic force. 

Leo season brings the themes of obligation, moving forward, finding peace, and creating an independent life for yourself. After experiencing many hard trials and tribulations, go towards emotional fulfilment this season, as everyone deserves a Happy Ending.  

I hope you enjoyed this reading, take what resonates, leave what doesn’t. Happy Leo Season!

Suggested Show Based on Reading:

Image via Disney Pixar

Throughout the movie, you hear Dory say “Just keep swimming.” Travelling far to save his son, Marlin learns to take risks that he’s never taken before for someone that he deeply cares about. Even though the film is filled with watery energy, with Leo being a fire sign it’s teaching us how to keep balance with our emotional subconscious and conscious mind between all the chaotic energy floating about since August starts with a full moon and ends with a full moon.

Leo Traits: Confident, Loyal, Theatrical


It is no secret that Leos are confident. They possess a certain confidence one can only have when they are ruled by the sun. There’s a quote by Andrea Dworkin that goes “Does the sun ask itself, “Am I good? Am I worthwhile? Is there enough of me?” No, it burns and it shines. Does the sun ask itself, “What does the moon think of me? How does Mars feel about me today?” No, it burns, it shines. Does the sun ask itself, “Am I as big as other suns in other galaxies?” No, it burns, it shines.” I believe that Leos especially can benefit from this quote. No matter how confident sometimes we all falter a little, but Leos especially should take inspiration from these movies/shows and no that no matter how they feel inside they are always shining.


Nobody is loyal like a Leo. Ruled by the Sun which never goes into retrograde Leos are fierce and stable friends. Sometimes, Leos can feel threatened every now and then due to their ego and pride. But an evolved Leo knows that no one else shining will outshine their own light. Just like the characters in these movies, Leos shine when they are surrounded by those who love and trust them.


Now you know we had to say it: Leos love a spotlight. They definitely see themselves as the stars of the zodiac. And rightfully so, Leos are natural-born leaders and creatives. Due to this, they can be a little… theatrical, but who doesn’t love a good show. Leos would do well to remember though that behind every true star is an equally talented cast and crew and one can never let the spotlight become everything.

Leo Creatives

Viola Davis: Born August 11th E.G.O.T. Viola Davis has redefined not only what a Black actress can do, but what talent acting is period. She is known by many for her role as Annalise Keating in How to Get Away with Murder. However, Davis has many iconic roles under her belt there is too much to say about her. Watch her in any of her incredible shows/films but especially a recent favourite of mine The Woman King.

Halle Berry: Born August 14th certified hot girl Halle Berry only gets better with age. She has many legendary roles under her belt including her roles in Catwoman, Gothika, and Monsters Ball. She’s as stunning as she is talented she was the first (and only) Black woman to win an Oscar for Best Actress.

Angela Bassat: Born August 16th the immensely talented Angela Bassat cannot be stopped. She is such an exceptional actress that many thought she actually was Tina Turner growing up. Known for her iconic roles in Black Panther, Waiting to Exhale, American Horror Story, and more. If Angela Bassat is in it best believe I’m gonna watch it!

Catch these during Leo Season:

During Leo season and going forward please support the Writers (WGA) & Actors (SAG-AFTRA) Strike so we can continue to get great art and the people who make that art can be fairly compensated.

Donate to SAG-AFTRA here https://members.sagfoundation.org/donate

Talk to Me: When a group of friends discovers how to conjure spirits by using an embalmed hand, they become hooked on the new thrill — until one of them unleashes terrifying supernatural forces. In theatres July 28th.

Rap Sh!t: The highly anticipated second season of Issa Rae’s Rap Sh!t is here! In season one, two estranged high school friends from outside Miami reunite to form an all-female rap group, hoping to make it in the music industry. This second season is coming to a streaming service that refuses to pay writers and actors what they deserve on August 10th.

Red White & Royal Blue: Based on the Casey McQuiston novel of the same name, this story focuses on Alex Claremont-Diaz, the First Son of the United States, and his rivalry with the young prince, Henry. Their rivalry soon turns into a forced friendship and then blossoms into something even more. This movie is coming to yet ANOTHER streaming service that refuses to pay writers and actors what they deserve on August 11th.

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